
Q. How can I text a librarian?

Answered By: Amanda Suiters
Last Updated: Nov 11, 2024     Views: 45

You can send the library questions via text message (SMS) and a librarian or library staff member will text you back with an answer.

How do I use Text a Librarian?

It’s easy. Just follow three simple steps:

  1. Text your question to (254) 332-2968*
  2. A librarian will respond as soon as possible!
  3. Save us in your contacts and text us when you’re on the go.

*This number is for text only. To call the Library, dial (254) 867-4846.

When can I text the Library?

The text reference service will be available during the following hours:

Monday- Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Text us any time day or night and you'll receive an answer as quickly as possible, generally the same day during the regular service hours listed above. If you text us afterhours, your question will be answered when the next shift begins.

If the library is closed for a holiday, weekend, event, or weather emergency, Text a Librarian will not be available. See Library Hours for more info. If you need assistance when the Library is closed, please submit a ticket.

How much does it cost?

The library doesn’t charge a fee for using Text a Librarian; however, standard messaging and data charges from your cell phone service provider may apply.

Who is answering my texts?

Text a Librarian is staffed by librarians and library staff who work at Texas State Technical College Library. We are real people (not robots!). 

How do keywords work?

Keywords are a great way to get fast info about the library. Send a single Keyword or Key phrase in the body of your text, and you'll get an automated reply for frequently asked questions. For example, you could text us keywords like:

"HOURS" to get a text showing the library's hours of operation

"HELP" to find library staff email addresses and basic tutorials for after hours help.

"NEW" to find a library overview for new students.

"CITE" for a link to our guides on MLA, APA, and Chicago citation styles.


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