
Q. What is the difference between scholarly and peer reviewed journals?

Answered By: Amanda Suiters
Last Updated: Nov 11, 2024     Views: 20

scholarly publication, also known as academic publication, is authored for professionals or academic researchers.  They are written by experts in their particular field and are often affiliated with colleges, universities, or research centers.  

Not all scholarly journals use a peer-review process.

Peer-Review Process

Articles within undergo a formal evaluation process before publication that involves review and approval by the author’s peers (experts in the same subject area). This helps to ensure high-quality information and accuracy of results.  Peer-reviewed journals publish articles only if they have passed through the official editorial process. The peer review and evaluation system is used to safeguard, maintain, and improve the quality of scholarly materials published in serials.

It is important to keep in mind that not all scholarly journals go through the peer review process.  Checking the Scholarly/Peer Reviewed limiter in the Library's ONEsearch or EBSCOhost/Gale/Proquest Databases does not make the distinction between scholarly and peer-reviewed journal articles in their results.

If you need help determining whether a scholarly journal is peer reviewed or we recommend using Publication Finder.  

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